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are available at $1.25 each in orders of 10 or more.
ISSN 0149-175X
Texas Tech University Press
Lubbock, Texas 79409
SEP ^ 1 1987
M'MBER 110
Robert R. Hollander, Clyde Jones, Richard W. Manning,
AND J. Knox Jones, Jr.
For the past two years, we have collected mammals on the
Edwards Plateau and in adjacent areas of south-central Texas,
principally to the east of the Pecos River. Among the specimens
obtained and observations recorded, along with previously
collected material in The Museum, Texas Tech Plniversity, are
records of 18 taxa that add significantly to our understanding of
their distribution in this interesting ecological area. These data
are recorded here. Information on bats taken during our field
research has been reported elsewhere (Manning et al., 1987).
Ihdess otherwise noted, all specimens are housed in the
collection of Recent mammals at The Museum, Texas Tech
Ihiiversity. We are grateful to the Graduate School of that
institution for providing a summer research assistantshij) to
Hollander in support of this work, and to the office of the Vice
President for Academic Affairs and Research al d'exas 'Tech, the
National Institutes of Health, and the d'heoclore Roosevelt
Memorial P'uncl of the American Museum of Natural History for
financial support for field exjiloration. W'e also thank D. Burton,
J. Carter, C. Holder, D. Holder, and D. McCullough for
assistance, and M. R. Lee of the University of Illinois for the loan
of material in his care.
Didelphis virginiana virginiana Kerr, 1792. — There are few
records of tliis opossum from southwestern I'exas. Tlierefore, it is
noteworthy that we examiiu'd one found dead on a street in
McCiamey, Ciounty, on 26 December 198(). Sclunidly
(1977:25) stated that D. virginiana was known from the Trans-
Pecos region on the basis of a single s})ecimen and that it
probably occurred only in riparian habitats associated with the
Rio Grande. McCamey, just west of the Edwards Plateau, lies in
an area of desert scrub, but is only about seven miles east of the
Pecos River.
Ammospermophilus interpres (Merriam, 1890). — The eastern
limits of distribution of this antelope scjuirrel are not well
documented. Creel and Thornton (1970:481) reported A. interpres
(as Citellus leucurus) from Reagan County, a record overlooked
by Davis (1974). We sighted an individual 1 mi. S Crane, Crane
County, the northernmost recorded occurrence of this species east
of the Pecos River, (3n 24 July 1986.
Thomomys bottae (Eydoux and Gervais, 1836). — The distribu¬
tion of smooth-toothed pocket gophers on the Edwards Plateau
has not been well documented. Hall (1981:475) mapped the range
of Thomomys in west-central Texas as occurring in the southern
part of the plateau as far east as Kimble County, following
Dalc|uest and Kilpatrick (1973). Records of occurrence of T. bottae
from several northern counties on the plateau that were published
by Berry and Baker (1971) and Thornton and Creel (1975) were
overlooked by Hall (1981). 'These locality records and those for
additional specimens reported here are mapped in F'ig. 1.
Two currently recognized races of T. bottae occur on the
P'dwards Plateau, T. h. limitaris Goldman (1936:118) in the west
and T. b. confinalis Goldman (1936:119) in the east. On the
average, sj^ecimens from the west are paler in pelage color than
Fig. I — Records of ocdirreiue of Thomomys bottae on ilie Fd\vai(l.s Plateau and
in adjacent areas east of the Petos River, south-central Texas. Cirdes represent
specimens examined: triangles re|)resent records from the literature (Railey, 190.5;
Dalquest and Kilpatrick, 1973; Davis. 1971; I hornton and Creel. 1975). Some
specitnens and previous records are tioi plottc-cl hc-causc- undue crowding of
symbols would have rcsultc'd. For the same reason, some symbols are slightly
offset. We did not plot the type- loc ality (35 mi. F Roc kspritigs) of T. b. confinalis
because of its uncertain localioti (North Fork Guadalupe- River, 15 mi. W
Japonica, Kerr Coutity, according to Miller atid Kellogg, 1955:306).
those from the east but selected individuals from either region, if
placed within a series from the other, are difficult to distinguish.
Variation in this species in Texas currently is under study and we
thus have not attempted, at this stage, to assign trinomials to our
Specimens examined, many of which represent newly recorded
localities, are as follows. — Goncho Co.; 6 mi. S, 16 mi. W Eden,
1. Crane Co.: 6 mi. S Crane, 2. Crockett Co.: 20 mi. S Big Lake,
1; 27 mi. NW Ozona, 1; 17 mi. NW Ozona, 3; 15 mi. N, 11 mi. W
Ozona, 1; 14 mi. N, 16 mi. W Ozona, 1; 14 mi. N, 13 mi. W
Ozona, 2; 11 mi. NW Ozona, 1; 5 mi. NW Ozona, 1; 4 mi. W
Ozona, 1; 1 mi. E Ozona, 1; 7 mi. E Ozona, 1; 8 mi. S Ozona, 1.
Edwards Co. (Univ. Illinois): Rocksprings and localities within
3.5 mi. thereof, 11. Irion Co.: 4 mi. N Barnhart, 1; 4 mi. W
Barnhart, 1; 0.5 mi. W Barnhart, I. Kimble Co.: 1.5-2 mi. S
London, 2; 2.5-4 mi. SSW London, 5; 6 mi. SSW London, 1.
Menard Co.: 9 mi. N, 22 mi. W Menard, 1. Reagan Co.: 3-6 mi.
SE Stiles, 7; 7 mi. N Big Lake, 1; 15 mi. W Big Lake, 1; 12 mi. W
Big Lake, 1; 3 mi. W Big Lake, 5; 1 mi. W Best, 1; 1-2 mi. S Big
Lake, 2; 4 mi. S Big Lake, 1. Sutton Co.: 2 mi. N, 9 mi. W
Sonora, 1; Sonora and localities within 7 mi. thereof, 29; 20 mi.
W Sonora, 6; 13 mi. W Sonora, 1; 15.5 mi. S Sonora, 3; 0. 9-7.0
mi. W jet. US 277 and EM 189, 6. Upton Co.: 12 mi. N, 5 mi. E
McCamey, 3; 4 mi. N, 4 mi. E McCamey, 1; McCamey and
localities within 3 mi. thereof, 18.
Geomys hursarius knoxjonesi Baker and Genoways, 1975. — We
obtained four pocket gophers of this subspecies from a place 17
mi. N and 19 mi. W Crane, and two from 5 mi. N and 17 mi. W
Crane, both localities in Crane County. Along with specimens
from 3.5 mi. E Monahans, Ward County, reported by Baker and
Genoways (1975:17), these constitute the southernmost records for
this genus in west-central Texas. The area occupied by G.
bursarius is an extension of the Monahans Sand Hills into the
northern quarter of Crane County, which is one of only three or
four counties in Texas in which all three genera of gophers
(Cratogeomys, Geomys, Thomomys) known from the state are
Cratogeomys castanops (Baird, 1852). — The yellow-faced
pocket gopher is distributed throughout much of the western
third of Texas where it occurs parapatrically with Geomys
hursanus in the north and with Tliornornys hottae in the south
(also with iTeoruys persofiatus to tlie southeast in the vicinity ol
the Rio (hande). Both Cratogeomys and Thoinornys are tound in
llie western part ol the Kdw'ards Plateau and adjacent areas where
the latter usually is liiniied to shallow, hard, hecjuently rocky
soils. Soil type alone, however, does not seem to be a limiting
lactoi in the distribution ol these gophers and it is not always
possible to predict which genus will be loimcl at a given locality.
For example, Cratogeomys occurs along the Pecos River in
Crane and Pecos counties. But a lew miles to the east, in much
shallower burrow systems, Thornomys is lound in eastern Crane
('a)unty, in the immediate vicinity ol McCamey, Upton County,
and eastward Irom McCamey about hall way toward Rankin,
only 15 miles distant. At Rankin, Cratogeomys again appears.
Fhese distributional records were obtained in 1985 and 1986.
I'here is published evidence (Reichman and Baker, 1972;
Will iams and Baker, 1976) that Cratogeomys has displaced
Thornomys within recent years Irom several places in Trans-
Pecos, Texas, althcjugh the dynamics ol these distributional shilts
over time are not well understood. See also Dalcpiest and
Kil[)atrick (1973) and Thornton and Creel (1975) lor additional
inlormation on the geographic ranges ol pocket gophers on the
Edwards Plateau.
Geographic variation in C. castanops in Texas is deserving ol
serious, in-depth study. Specimens we have examined Irom the
Edwards Plateau and adjacent areas, which are only tentatively
assigned to subspecies (see Russell, 1968), lollow. Cratogeomys
castanops angusticeps Nelson and Goldman, 1934. — Terrell Co.:
16 mi. S Shellield, 1; 16 mi. S, 6 mi. E Shellield, 2; 24 mi. S
Shellield, 1. Cratogeomys castanops pratensis (Russell, 1968). —
Crane Co.: 7 mi. SW McCamey, 1. Pecos Co.: 2 mi. N. Girvin, 2.
Upton (k).: 4 mi. N, 5 mi. W McCamey, 1. Cratogeomys
castanops sirnulans (Russell, 1968). — Glasscock Co.: 19-20 mi. S
(by road) Stanton, 3; 1.4-2 mi. N, 12.7-13.7 mi. W Chnden City, 8;
0.7-2. 4 mi. S, 11.8-13 mi. W Chirden City, 12. Reagan Co.: 3 mi.
NE Stiles, 1; 30 mi. S Chnclen (iity, 1. Sterling (k).: 1 mi. N, 4 mi.
\V Sterling City, 1. Upton (io.: Rankin, 2; 2 mi. E Rankin, 1; 8
mi. E Rankin, 1.
Chaetodipus nelsoni canescens (Merriam, 1894). — An adult
female trapped on 1 December 1985 on King Mountain, 4 mi. N
and 5 mi. E McCamey, Upton County, provides the northeastern-
most record of this pocket mouse from Texas and the second
locality of record from east of the Pecos River (the other being
from Comstock, Val Verde County — Borell and Bryant, 1942:25).
The specimen was taken on a rocky slope along with Peromyscus
Dipodomys ordii medius Setzer, 1949. — Although mapped as
occurring throughout west-central Texas southward to the Rio
Grande by Hall (1981:568), the southernmost published record of
D. o. medius actually is Monahans, Ward County (Setzer,
1949:520). We trapped 14 individuals at a place 5 mi. N and 17
mi. W Crane, and 16 at a place 17 mi. N and 19 mi. W Crane,
both localities in sandy soil in Crane County. We also collected
four individuals in sandy habitat 3.5 mi. N and 2.5 mi. E Crane,
in Upton County. Our specimens constitute a southern extension
of the documented range for this subspecies.
Dipodomys merriami ambiguus Merriam, 1890. — We collected
a male D. merriami 5 mi. N and 4 mi. W Iraan, in Crockett
County, on 4 June 1986, which constitutes the first report of the
species from that county. Creel and Thornton (1970:481) and
Ramsey and Carley (1970:351) both reported this kangaroo rat
from the vicinity of Big Lake, Reagan County, localities
overlooked by both Davis (1974) and Hall (1981). These are the
only known records of this species from east of the Pecos River
on the Edwards Plateau.
Peromyscus maniculatus hlandus Osgood, 1904. — Schmidly
(1977:106) mapped P. maniculatus as absent from the eastern part
of the Trans-Pecos region. However, we collected a series of 15
specimens of P. m. blandus at Horsehead Crossing on the Pecos
River, 4 mi. S and 14.5 mi. E Imperial, Pecos County. We also
took a specimen on King Mountain, 4 mi. N and 4 mi. E
McCamey, EJpton County.
Hall (1981:672) assigned to blandus specimens originally
reported only by specific name from Scurry County (Packard and
Garner, 1964:388) and Tom Green County (Davis, 1966:186). Hall
gave no basis for his decision, but it almost certainly was made
solely on geographic grounds. In any event, we have examined
the Scurry County specimen and, even though less than adult, its
pelage is considerably darker than that typical of blandus and we
do not regard it as representative of that race. We also doubt that
mice trom loin Cireen Clounty are assignable lo that sul)spe( ies.
This leaves our material trom Pecos and Upton (ounties as
representing the easternmost records ot P. m. blandus in Pexas.
Perornyscus maniculatus pallescens J. A. Allen, 1896. — We
have at hand a male trom 3 mi. S Fddorado, Schleicher County,
that is assignable to this subspecies. I’his sj^ecimen is similar in
size and color to individuals of P. rn. pallescens from central
Texas that we have examined, and is much darker and smaller
than typical specimens of P. rn. blandus. Although Davis
(1974:201) mapped the deer mouse as occurring over the entire
western two-thirds of the state, the specimens here reported (see
also account of P. rn. blandus) constitute the only known
localities of record for this species on the Edwards Plateau.
Perornyscus pectoralis laceianus Bailey, 1906. — The white-
ankled mouse is known in Texas from much of the Trans-Pecos
region, the eastern and southern parts of the Edwards Plateau,
and northward through the central part of the state into
Oklahoma (Schmidly, 1974). We have obtained these mice in
rocky habitats at the following localities: 1 mi. S Crane, Crane
County, 1; 4 mi. S, 2 mi. E Crane, Crane County, 4; 4 mi. N, 5
mi. E McCamey, llpton Cc^unty, 10; 5 mi. S, 5 mi. E McCamey,
in Crockett County, 2; and 4 mi. E Iraan, in Crockett County, 2.
Our s{)ecimens establish the northernmost points of occurrence
for P. pectoralis in the west-central part of Texas.
Baiomys taylori taylori (Thomas, 1887). — Northern and west¬
ern expansions of the range of this species have been well
documented in recent years (see, for example, Stangl et al., 1983;
Austin and Kiidiens, 1986; Cleveland, 1986; and Hollander et al.,
1987). On 17 March 1986, we trapf)ed five pygmy mice along a
grassy-weedy fencerow 3 mi. S P’ldorado, Schleicher County.
These ref)reseni a westerly extension of the known range in
central Texas of approximately 85 miles from 6 mi. S Mason,
Mason Ck)unty (Packard and C»arner, 1964:388).
Onychoinys arenicola arenicola Mearns, 1896. — On 28
November 1985, we obtained a female ol this grasshoppei mouse
8.5 mi. N and 13.5 mi. W Kermit, Winkler (k)unty. This
constitutes the northeasternmosi reca)rd in I'exas for this species,
w'hich is [)rimarily associated with the I'rans-Pecos region. It is of
note that a northern grasshopper mouse, O. leucogaster arcticeps,
was taken at this same locality.
Neotoma micropus micropus Baird, 1855. — Specimens avail¬
able to us from Kimble and McCulloch counties help to fill a
large distributional gap (Davis, 1974:219) in the range of this
woodrat in central Texas. We have examined material from 6.6
mi. N Junction, 1, 6 mi. NE Junction, 3, 3 mi. E Junction, 1,
and Texas Tech University Center at Junction, 1, all in Kimble
County, and 14 mi. N Mason, in McCulloch County, 2.
Sigmodon hispidus berlandieri Baird, 1855. — Although wide¬
spread and common throughout most of the state, S. hispidus
appears to be relatively rare on the Edwards Plateau, and only a
few records document its occurrence there (Davis, 1974). We
trapped a female on top of King Mountain, 4 mi. N and 4 mi. E
McCamey, Upton County. This constitutes the only published
record for this species from the western part of the Edwards
Plateau proper. We also trapped two cotton rats 17 mi. N and 19
mi. W Crane, Crane County, and two 3.5 mi. N and 2.5 mi. E
Crane, in Upton County, localities in sandy habitats a few miles
northwest and north, respectively, of the Edwards Plateau
Vulpes velox velox (Say, 1823). — Two specimens of this fox, a
male and female from 9 mi. SW Menard, Menard County, taken
on 14 December 1968, provide the southeasternmost record of
occurrence for this species in Texas. This locality, in fact, is
nearer the known range of the closely related V. macrotis than to
previously reported records of V. velox, but our specimens clearly
are assignable to the latter on the basis of their small ears, short,
broad rostra, and relatively uninflated auditory bullae. Some
cranial measurements (mm) of the pair (male first) are:
condylobasal length, 106.4, 104.7; zygomatic breadth, 63.9, 60.5;
least interorbital constriction, 22.9, 21.3; breadth of braincase,
44.6, 42.8; length of maxillary toothrow, 51.1, 49.3.
Spilogale gracilis leucoparia Merriam, 1890. — We found a male
S. gracilis dead on U.S. Highway 87, 11 mi. SE Big Spring,
Howard County, on 21 September 1986. This constitutes the
northernmost record of this species in Texas (Davis, 1974:108). It
also shortens the gap along the eastern edge of the Llano
Kstacado belwoMi ihe recorded distributions of .S. gracilis and .S’.
putorius to about 70 miles trom 1 mi. .S Post, (»ai/a (iounty
(Jones et ai, 1985:356).
Tayassu tajacu angulatiis (Ciope, 1889). — Although once dis¬
tributed over much of the slate, T. tajacu now is “restricted to
western I'exas and the Brush Country south of .San Antonio’’
(Davis, 1974:296). Schmidly (1977:161) mapped the range in
I rans-Peeos, Texas, as inc luding only about the southern half of
that region. On 27 December 1986, one of us (Hollander)
observed a collared peccary along ITS. Highway 67, 1 mi. K
McCiamey, llpton County; that night he saw two mcjre just inside
the eastern city limits of McCamey. These observations establish
the current range of the species northward at least to the
northwestern edge of the Edwards Plateau.
Literature Cited
.Austin, T. .A., and J. .A. Kitchens. 1986. Expansion of Baiornys taylon inio
Hardeman Lounty, Texas. .Sontliwesiern Nat., 31:547-.548.
Bailey, 1905. Biological survey of Texas. N. Amer. Fauna, 25:1-222.
Baker, R. J., and H. IF Genoways. 1975. A new subspecies of Geomys
bursarius (Mammalia; Geomyidae) from Texas and New Mexico. Occas.
Papers Mus. , Texas Tech LIniv., 29:1-18.
Berry, D. L., and R. J. Baker. 1971. Apparent convergence of karyotypes in
two species of pocket gophers of the genus Thomornys (Mammalia,
Rodentia). Cytogenetics, 10:1-9.
Borei.l, .a. F.., and \F D. Bryant. 1942. Mammals of the Big Bend area of
Texas. Univ. California Publ. Zool, 48:1-61.
Cleveland, ,A. C». 1986. First record of Baiornys laylori north of the Red
River. .Southw'estern Nat., 31:547.
CiREEL, C». (;. , AND VV. A. TTiornton. 1970. Extensions of the known ranges of
two species of Texas mammals. Fexas J. .Sci., 21:481.
nALC^UE.sT, VV. VV. , AND VV. K I lpatric:k. 1973. Dynamics of pocket gopher
distribution on the Edwards Plateau of Texas. .Southwestern Nat., 18:1-9.
Davis, VV. B. 1966. Fhe mammals of Texas. Bull. Texas Parks and Wildlife
Dept., 41:1-267.
- . 1974. The mammals of Fexas. Bull. Fexas Parks and Wildlife Dept.,
Goi.dman, F. .a. 1936. New pocket goirhers of the genus Thomornys. J.
Washington Acad. .Sci., 26:111-120.
Hai.i., F. R. 1981. Fhe mammals of North America. John Wiley ii: Sons, New
York, 2nd cxl., l:xv + 1-600 + 90 and 2:vi + 601-1181 + W,
Hoi.i.ander, R. R.. J. K. JcTNEs, Jr., R. VV. MANNtNC, AND C. Jones. 1987.
Noteworthy records of mammals from the Fexas Panhandle. Texas J.
.ScL, 39:97-102.
Jones, J. K., Jr., R. R. Hollander, and D. A. McCullough. 1985. Records of
the spotted skunk and long-tailed weasel from the Llano Estacado of
Texas. Texas J. Sci., 37:355-358.
Manning, R. W., J. K. Jones, Jr., R. R. Hollander, and C. Jones. 1987.
Notes on distribution and natural history of some bats on the Edwards
Plateau and in adjacent areas of Texas. Texas J. Sci., 39:279-285.
Miller, C. S., Jr., and R. Kellogg. 1955. List of North American Recent
mammals. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. , 205:xii + 1-954.
Packard, R. L., and H. W. Garner. 1964. Records of some mammals from the
Texas High Plains. Texas J. Sci., 16:387-390.
Ramsey, P. R., and C. J. Carley. 1970. Additions to the known range and
ecology of three species of Dipodomys. Southwestern Nat., 14:351-353.
Reichman, O. ]., AND R. J. Baker. 1972. Distribution and movement of two
species of pocket gophers (Geomyidae) in an area of sympatry in the
Davis Mountains, Texas. J. Mamm., 53:21-33.
Russell, R. J. 1968. Revision of pocket gophers of the genus Pappo-
geomys. Ehiiv. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 16:581-776.
ScHMiDLY, D. J. 1974. Peromyscus pectoralis. Mamm. Species, 49:1-3.
- . 1977. The mammals of Trans-Pecos Texas. Texas A&rM Univ. Press,
College Station, xiii -t- 225 pp.
Setzer, H. W. 1949. Subspeciation in the kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ordii.
Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 23:473-573.
Stance, F. B., Jr., B. F. Koop, and C. S. Hood. 1983. Occurrence of Baiomys
taylori (Rodentia: Cricetidae) on the Texas High Plains. Occas. Papers
Mus., Texas Tech Univ., 85:1-4.
Thornton, W. A., and G. C. Creel. 1975. Distribution of gophers (Geomyi¬
dae) in western Texas. Southwestern Nat., 20:272-275.
Williams, S. L., and R. J. Baker. 1976. Vagility and local movement of pocket
gophers (Geomyidae: Rodentia). Amer. Midland Nat., 96:303-316.
Address of authors: The Museum and Department of Biological Sciences, Texas
Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409. Received 20 February 1987; accepted 4
April 1987.
Three serials of The Museum of Texas Tech University are
published by Texas Tech University Press. Short research
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numbered separately and published on an irregular basis.
7'he preferred abbreviation for citing The Museum’s
Occasional Papers is Occas. Papers Mus., Texas Tech Univ.
Institutional subscriptions ($19/yr., typically 10 numbers
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postage; residents of the state of Texas must pay sales tax on
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North American mammals north of Mexico, 1986’’ (Jones et
al., 1986, Occas. Papers Mus., Texas Tech Univ., 107:1-22)
are available at $1.25 each in orders of 10 or more.
ISSN 0149-175X
Texas Tech University Press
Lubbock, Texas 79409-1037
OCT ' 1987
20 OCTOBER 1987
J. Knox Jones, Jr., Richard W. Manning,
Robert R. Hollander, and Clyde Jones
As defined here, northwestern Texas encompasses all the
Panhandle and those counties south thereof that lie west of the
100th meridian, south to and including (from west to east)
Andrews, Martin, Howard, Mitchell, and Nolan counties (see
Fig. 1). This region has received less attention from a biological
viewpoint than most others in Texas. This annotated checklist is
intended as a summary of current knowledge of the distribution
of mammals in the northwestern part of the state. It includes 75
species native to the region, at least one {Sciurus carolineiisis)
introduced from elsewhere in North America, and four species
introduced from the Old World. Additionally, a list of 19 species
of possible present or past occurrence is appended.
As a departure point, we used the compilations of Davis (1974)
and Hall (1981)— to which the reader is referred for keys,
descriptions, and range maps— augmenting distributional data in
those two treatises with recently published information (some of
which is cited in text) and also specimens housed in Phe
Museum, Texas Tech University. Our own field work over the
past several years, particularly in the Panhandle, has added
greatly to knowledge of the geographic and ecological distribu¬
tions of a number of mammalian species. For financial support
of our field efforts, we thank the Graduate School, College of
Arts and Sciences, and Office of the Vice President for Academic
Affairs and Research, all at Texas Tech University, and the IkS.